Upgrades that met/exceeded your expectations and those that felt short

What upgrades have you performed that actually met or exceeded your expectations vs. those that didn't?  

In order of perceived improvement:

1)  Pre-amp:  Move from Freya + to Bryston BP26.   This was the biggest change in sound quality that I have experienced to date.  The Freya + is an incredible value for the money and anyone looking for a preamp under $1K I would recommend the Schiit  Freya + in a heart beat.  That said, replacing the Freya with the Bryston was a game changer.  That's not a knock against the Freya as there should be a game changing improvement for the price difference but this is the point of the post.  This upgrade delivered and was thrilled with the improvement for the money spent.   The level of increased detail and musicality was night and day.  So much more information coming through I was simply amazed. 

2) DAC:  Move from a Node 2i to Audio Mirror Tubadour III.   I started my journey with a Node 2i as my streamer and DAC.  I decided to upgrade the DAC portion and bought the AM.  Wow.  A huge difference in sound quality.  The music seemed to slow down.  There was more time and space between the notes.  For a little over $1,000 this was an incredible improvement to the listening experience.  

3) Amplifiers:  Move from Schiit Vidar Monoblocks to Bryston 7b3 Monoblocks.  I bought the Vidars new and the Bryston's used but the price difference was still over $5k.  A big investment but a worthwhile improvement in sound quality.  I struggle with #2 vs. #3 as the sound difference going to the DAC was very upfront.  The amp difference was substantial but took a little more listening to really appreciate.  It was more nuanced than the DAC change but the amount of changes made for something bigger and expansive as a whole.  The music was enjoyable with the Vidars but everything was more transparent and tighter with the Bryston's.  The more I listen the more difference I hear.   Things really popped wide open when I added the Bryston Preamp to the Bryston Amps.  Previously I was using the Freya + with the Bryston's and it sounded good but this is a whole new game now.   I think it's simply better synergy.  The Freya has a high output impedance in balanced mode vs. the Bryston amp's extremely low input impedance of 7.5K ohms.  Lesson learned: Pay attention to component synergy.   

4) Speakers:  Vandersteen 2ci Signature II's to Magnepan 1.7's.  I rank this third on the list simply because both sound great.  It's really a matter of taste.  The Vandersteen's clearly win in the low end but the Magnepan's are impossible to beat IMO in the clarity of the highs.  I still own both and have gone back and forth several times but have stuck with the Maggie's just due to the vocal reproduction and the clarity (I listen to 80% Jazz)   

5) Digital:  Moving from Bluetooth connection between my w-ifi and the Node to a hardline LAN connection directly to the router.  This is a distant fourth behind the top three but still felt there was a decent improvement in quality.  Things just seemed a little sharper (in a good way) and was getting more information (note decay).  

Upgrades that didn't meet expectations:  

1) Streamer:  Upgraded Node 2i to Lumin U1 Mini.  After I added the Audio Mirror DAC and heard a game changing improvement I hoped I hear an equal improvement going to a dedicated streamer.  I am happy and don't regret the purchase but I didn't realize the same improvement from other upgrades.  The improvement  was very subtle to my ears.   

Upgrades TBD:

1) Cables:  I upgraded my cables from stock power cables and XLR's to Silnote cables for both.  I did the upgrade while still running the Schiit Freya + and Vidars and didn't here a whole lot of difference.  Either I didn't make a big enough upgrade to be audible or my system at the time was revealing enough.  Now that I've gone up the food chain on amps/preamp I intend to do some testing to compare the stock cables with the aftermarket upgrades to see if it made since tos spend the money.  
Did the Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum upgrade, from a 1 to effectively a 3.  A whole new amp.  More depth and detail. And the phono-stage upgrade was particularly worth it.  I've taken my phono preamp offline.
My recently-acquired SP-6B is wonderful.  It replaced a Lux CL-32 that was long in service--40+ years.

As usual, Audio Research stuff is wonderful on Maggies.

Looking for a xover (EC-3) and big Audio Research amp (old one that is all tube, not a hybrid) as well.


Great thread!

My system these days is strictly desktop audio w/headphones: in fact, 2 systems side-by-side on desktop (main system is headhones + amp/monitors/sub; secondary system is headphones only).

1 - replacing a series of powered monitors w/a Wyred4Sound ST-500 class D amp + passive ATC SCM12 Pro monitors (wow! sound became huge & better in every way)
2 - replacing a series of delta-sigma DACs with 1 multibit (side system) and 1 NOS DAC (main system). Sound is better in nearly every way--less digital, more musical--finally digital sound worthy of comparison to analog
3 - replacing my 1.5M Billy Jeans coax from SPDIF convertor to DAC w/1.3M Oyaide silver coax. A 10X increase in cost with easily heard & appreciated sonic bump

Many things over the years--but I’d rather not dwell on the past
Dynavector DV20X2L to AudioTechnica ART9
Pro-ject Tube Box DS to Lehmann Black Cube SEII
NAD C356 to Rogue Audio Cronus Magnum II
KEF LS50s to Harbeth C7ES3
Home Depot bulk cable to Kimber 8PR
Kimber PBJ to Nordost Blue Heaven
Yamaha CD 300 to Marantz SA8005
Harbeth C7ES3 to Spendor D7
As others have said...fun thread and hopefully useful for others as they see the paths taken


Eroica LX to Benz Micro Wood SM
Isoacoustics Delos platform under turntable(due to my own ignorance of the importance of isolation)
Herbies gliders for my subwoofers
B&K Ref5 S2 preamp to Audio Research LS3B
Parasound HCA 2200ii to Audio Research Classic 120 mono blocks
NAD PP2 to Project Tube Box DS 
Groovetracer Reference Subplatter for Rega RP6

Adding a middle section because there are certain improvements that are in line with our expectations

As expected:

Audio Research Classic 120s to Audio Research REF 150
Audio Research LS3B to Audio Research LS26
Audio Research LS26 to Audio Research REF3
Project Tube Box DS to Audio Research PH5
Audio Research PH5 to Audio Research PH7
Audio Research PH7 to Audio Research REF Phono 2
Platinum Audio Quattro to Wilson Audio Sophia


Groovetracer record weight and counterweight 
Any cable purchase
Synergistic fuses(This was on my initial system so may try again now that I have upgraded all components)
Parasound HCA 2200ii to TWO Parasound HCA 2200ii as monos
Parasound HCA 2200ii to Parasound HCA 3500
Electro Harmonix 6922 to Telefunken 6922 in ARC PH7
Platinum Audio Quattro to Focal 1038Be2