How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Tvad. don't hold your breath. As you saw in the post I made including quotes from him, he views it as proprietary. And he offers the opportunity to hear for yourself the benefits of his copies versus those you do of your own on the less expensive duplicator.

I doubt seriously if anyone can achieve your goal of due diligence. Lawyers like to talk that way. Yes, doctorate students have to defend their hypotheses and operationalizations of them as well as the quality of their data. But what we are talking about here is a buying decision. Some will buy cheaply and forgo quality but others will go for quality.

Your argument has always hinged on the idea that technology outside audio is cheaper and equal. This is a thesis if I have ever seen one. Defend your position, sir. Were I to find equal for less, of course, I would prefer it.

I take no offense with your posts, as I don't find you as illogical and close-minded as several others here who think an argument consists of belittling. They also do not bother me as I just ignore them. But I do think you are unwarranted in what you expect of people offering products for sale.
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This debate will go on and on, no one BUT George will really know. However I spoke with him on the phone yesterday (about something else) and again asked what he does to his duplicators. He would not answer, would not even say they are proprietary, is this admission of him NOT doing anything? His lawyer side showed through pretty strong, IMO. Again, I will say for the record, George let slip, to 3 of his close friends that he did NOTHING, nada, to these machines and in fact did indeed have some drop shipped. Believe this or not, this is what I've been told. George has even bought back a unit or two from those he feels would be detrimental if they had put them on Audiogon for sale. Yes I sold my own unit, soon will buy one of the "off the shelve units" and I have 2 guys within 45 minutes that still have George’s unit so we shall have a listen soon.
Tvad - I think I understand, and I certainly respect what you had to say in your post beginning "Gentlemen and ladies..." I do not see the posts as "attacks" per se, which is why I did not use that word. Nor do I " that which cannot, or will not, be verified". I take no position on the RC business, as I would need to hear both the RC and the cheaper duplicator results for myself, no matter what George Louis says. I agree wholeheartedly with you with regard to the value of questions and discussion. I just don't know how anyone could answer the very reasonable question "...if there is another burner containing identical Plextor drives that produces the same changes." That is, without listening to both. So far, to my knowledge, George Louis is (presumably) the only one who has done that.

I do see SOME of the posts on Audiogon to be primarily about denigrating individuals, sometimes thinly veiled, and sometimes not. In some cases, in fact, I see nothing about equipment or music in them at all. Then there are those individuals who clearly now have a pattern of being almost always negative, and/or "baiting" other people (please understand I am not talking about you! :) It appears that a couple of the recent posts which moved me to ask the question I did of the board (and were examples of what I am speaking of) have been removed, so I cannot refer you to them to read. What I said yesterday to the board had absolutely nothing at all to do with George Louis and his responsibilities.
Sksos, I for one will be very interested in what you find, but also concerned about your prior notions.

One of his friends and I are in much contact, and he says that George has many, many various hard drives with many mods lying around as well as many cleaning solutions. This might well suggest, as this guy thinks, that George has invested much R&D.