How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
I still say that except for sacds, all of this will be moot as better direct playback from hard drives, such as the VRS system, become available.

Having spent so much time doing tests with the RealityCheck, the Nespa, and the Cool Copy, I do not envy you your quest.
My quest has been fun as I am a computer enthusiast. And yes, the future is pointing in the direction that you suggest.

Splaskin wrote:
"Burning on the fly results in better copies than burning from a hard drive."

Not a valid conclusion IMO. You said yourself that it is dependent on the hardware. I have found just the opposite to be true. With an external battery-powered burner, the computer makes superior copies to anything I have heard.
My technique is a bit different. I am placing the entire contents of the CD into RAM and burning directly from the memory. The RAM is faster than a hard drive and I believe less subject to timing errors.


Do you use software that verifies that the content of the CD is transferred accurately, bit for bit, into the RAM? And that the burn from RAM to a CD-R is also accurate, bit for bit? Does the speed of the transfer to RAM and the speed of the burn from RAM matter as they do in the conventional duplication? Will your unit provide the flexibility to burn disk-at-once as well as one-track-at-a-time. The latter is convenient for making compilations. I was just getting ready to buy a CD duplicator, so, your announcement intrigues me. When will your unit be ready for marketing and what will be it's approximate cost?

Best Regards,