How come there is no thread on the RealityCheck?

In my opinion this one the greatest improvements in audio in 40 years. AA is full of discussions about it, but there has been nothing here. Maybe that a $575 tweak is beyond Audiogoners?
Dan, I don't agree about digital room correction, but dealing with your listening room and quality power supplies have greater impact on your sound than duplicates as you say. This is not to dismiss the impact of duplicates when using a player.

Interestingly, probably about 5 or 6 years ago some were arguing that cdr copies sounded better than originals. I did many and concluded that this was not the case, although I did copy several scratched cds and continue to use them.

The advent of the RealityCheck, however, followed by the Cool Copy raised the level of duplication substantially. Perhaps as Steve suggests it can be pushed even higher. I assume all of this is attributable to better soft and hard ware including better cd-rs.

As I have posted, Vince at VRS reported to me that although he could hear the benefits of the RealityCheck when using a player, he could not hear any differences when both were ripped to his hard drive.

I have also found that the Nespa has greater impact than duplication using either the RC or the CC.
Norm- glad we agree on two out of three. Sometime you should try a Aberdeen( modified TacT RCS.

Where can one purchase Nespa?
I think many buy directly from SOS, but I bought mine from Ambience Audio in Conn.

I bought the first TACT digital amp, but have never had their digital equalizing. I have heard it in others' rooms. Somehow I just don't like what I hear, but I may be lucky to have a good room.
RealityCheck has a new cd treatment, actually two. UltraBit and UltraBit Gold are a single application treatment for fresh cds and cd-rs. I have tried both on both the originals and on cd-rs that were copied with the RC duplicator. I never liked the RealDisc cleaner, but the UltraBit Gold is both easier and better than the old ClearDisc and ClearBit treatments.

I have found that although UltraBit is also an improvement UltraBit Gold which is somewhat more expensive proves clearly superior. I have also found that cleaning the original is a big improvement especially if followed by using the Nespa, but that duplicating the original after those treatments on to a cd-r that has been treated with UltraBit Gold and then Nespaing the copy, gives a much more precise and realistic soundstage and the best dynamics and drive to the music.

I have thus far redone 12 of the original RC copies that I have with the new procedure and plan to do the remaining 55 as soon as I can.
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