Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Great info thanks. 

I will likely hear back from Benchmark that mono is not doable with the CS3.7. Your comments give even better reason to look at other options.
@unsound Yes, I am paraphrasing his comments in my email with Benchmark. I am just crossing my T's and dotting my I's before I close the door on the mono AHB2.

I have been looking around the net for alternative amps, if 2 x AHB2 is a non-starter, I keep coming back to the CODA #8.

I am trying to figure out why people have recommended me to get more Class A first watts instead of more Class AB watts at 2 Ohms with regards to the CODA #8. I guess I can always circle back and discuss again with these folks.

@yyzsantabarbara  IMO in your small room even a used Gryphon Diablo 120 would be a significant upgrade over your AHB2.In terms of musicality Gryphon is in another league IMO.Just my 2 cents.I myself am waiting until a used Diablo 300 pops out to jump on it and will therefore get 3.7s.Best to you.
Thanks for the feedback. I am not sure what musicality means but I do know that gear like the Luxman m900u have a softer presentation of the sound. Likely like the Gryphon but with the Gryphon having more slam. The USA distributer of Gryphon is local to me. I am sure I will hear their gear next time there is a big show in my area.

I am participating in a HPA4 preamp/headphone amp thread on another forum and someone there is saying the same thing about the HPA4 which sounds exactly like the AHB2. Too neutral no magic, etc... It is just a matter of taste. 

Now I loved the sound of the Luxman m900u. I also love the totally different sound of the AHB2. Both are amazing at what they do. The CODA #8 or #16 is described as being similar to the Luxman but with more slam. The CODA is a ton cheaper in the USA with a 10 year warranty. So that is why I have mentioned the CODA so often. I can also get it customized with some SpeakON speaker connector to make my amp switching task with an AHB2 a breeze. 

The AHB2 will always be part of my collection. It is a brilliant amp. Some may not appreciate its naked sound but I love it. It sounded the very best today after the out of phase fix I mentioned previously. I wonder if I would have even noticed that problem with another amp?