Speaker cabels for dark sounding speakers?


My speakers are considered to be dark sounding and it has been OK with me until I replaced my easy chair with a small couch. Now the sound has turned a little too dark/muffled/dead. So I'm thinking maybe if I replaced my speaker cables with some other. Yes, I know it's a long shot, especially when my current cables are Kimber 8TC. But what do you say? Smaller carpet? Just don't say bring back the easy chair or buy new speakers :)
Oh come on that's silly. Silver cables? That's going to make no difference.

Your speakers have treble settings don't they? Have you adjusted them?

Your speakers have good directional response but the old Eaton's were light off axis making for low room energy at high frequency. They were intended as monitors not home audio. Not sure about new ones.

No cable is going to fix low total high frequency energy. That needs EQ or room treatment.

Why no more information: What speakers, what amp? how long are the cables? What placement? (distance from alls?)
It may sound dark because you are using the wrong cables!
Specify the required information and I'll tell you how to make it work for you.

Oh come on that’s silly. Silver cables? That’s going to make no difference.


Yup that’s me, silly.. Yes it makes a difference. If YOU can’t hear it. I understand. But it’s not nice to tell folks what they can hear because you can’t.. Do you understand that. You are RUDE.

Silver clad with a teflon cover, mill spec will work just fine...

He needed an option, for a tonal change. I offered a solution that works VERY well if you know what your doing, and CAN HEAR. Mr Design.. LOL

No regards, rude person...
Well, obviously, if a speaker has treble settings, they should be tried first! 

As to whether anyone believes that silver/coper makes a difference, who cares? If they want mediocre systems due to obstinate, fine, let them. Someone has to be in the bottom half of the distribution of systems, and they do a fine job of it!  :)