Thiel Owners


I just scored a sweet pair of CS 2.4SE loudspeakers. Anyone else currently or previously owned this model?
Owners of the CS 2.4 or CS 2.7 are free to chime in as well. Thiel are excellent w/ both tubed or solid-state gear!

Keep me posted & Happy Listening!
Thanks for the feedback. I am not sure what musicality means but I do know that gear like the Luxman m900u have a softer presentation of the sound. Likely like the Gryphon but with the Gryphon having more slam. The USA distributer of Gryphon is local to me. I am sure I will hear their gear next time there is a big show in my area.

I am participating in a HPA4 preamp/headphone amp thread on another forum and someone there is saying the same thing about the HPA4 which sounds exactly like the AHB2. Too neutral no magic, etc... It is just a matter of taste. 

Now I loved the sound of the Luxman m900u. I also love the totally different sound of the AHB2. Both are amazing at what they do. The CODA #8 or #16 is described as being similar to the Luxman but with more slam. The CODA is a ton cheaper in the USA with a 10 year warranty. So that is why I have mentioned the CODA so often. I can also get it customized with some SpeakON speaker connector to make my amp switching task with an AHB2 a breeze. 

The AHB2 will always be part of my collection. It is a brilliant amp. Some may not appreciate its naked sound but I love it. It sounded the very best today after the out of phase fix I mentioned previously. I wonder if I would have even noticed that problem with another amp?

I have found that the best approach to a Thiel loudspeaker, allow your ears to guide you. Specs are helpful to a degree. Specs are not the only aural factor up for consideration, IMO. I believe that we can all agree on an amp that doubles down in power rating from 8 to 4 ohms. The rest is a matter of taste. 2020 has been a banner year for Integrated amp(s).
Until last year, I would have never given the notion, a second thought. 
My AYRE integrated is a killer and musical as separates for more money.

Happy Listening!
@yyzsantabarbara  By musicality i mean organic, meat on the bone , engaging, the opposite of cold, thin and sibilant.This is the type of amp you need for 3.7s to sing.I would rather get the smallest Gryphon amp as opposed to Krell or Bryston for instance.If you live near the US Gryphon distributor he would probably glad to invite you for an audition of the Diablo 120 at his place.

@Jafant, sure an amp that doubles down from 8 to 4 Ohms is satisfactory enough for a speaker that operates within that load. For a speaker that operates below that, it’s a matter of physics and the necessary electrical engineering to navigate it. After that it’s a matter or taste. I’m not out to burst your bubble, after all the point of all of this is to seek joy. You believe what you want, spend your money as you see fit, but it’s hard to argue with the facts.
@thieliste, Depending on the specific models of course, I think the Krells are closer to the Gryphons than the Brystons. On the used market here in the US one could can get Krell separates that perform closer to the Gryphon separates for less than the price of a Gryphon integrated. Too often in this hobby brands become victims of their own previous success's. They lose the mystique of their elusive exclusivity, and undeservingly become shunned upon by the snobs.