Speaker cabels for dark sounding speakers?


My speakers are considered to be dark sounding and it has been OK with me until I replaced my easy chair with a small couch. Now the sound has turned a little too dark/muffled/dead. So I'm thinking maybe if I replaced my speaker cables with some other. Yes, I know it's a long shot, especially when my current cables are Kimber 8TC. But what do you say? Smaller carpet? Just don't say bring back the easy chair or buy new speakers :)
Well, obviously, if a speaker has treble settings, they should be tried first! 

As to whether anyone believes that silver/coper makes a difference, who cares? If they want mediocre systems due to obstinate, fine, let them. Someone has to be in the bottom half of the distribution of systems, and they do a fine job of it!  :) 

Believing that using silver instead of copper is going to magically impact frequency response of a speaker is what happens when people who don’t understand how things work are influenced by others. Call it power of suggestion, call it placebo effect. You may even believe for a period of time it made a difference but just like a sugar pill won’t cure a cold eventually you realize nope, I am still sick and nope, my speakers still sound dark. The well established properties of materials don't change because some audiophile who does not know better thinks they do.
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I don’t go to my mechanic when I break my leg. I also don’t go to my mechanic when I want to understand how the conduction of electricity in a cable works and what the impacts are of different conductor materials. Why not? Because my mechanic is not a physicist or an electrical engineer.

"VERY trained ears when it comes to sonic difference."

The number of times that gets bandied around in the audiophile world is uncountable to the point it has lost meaning. Many audiophiles think they have superior listening ability. Audio reviewers especially think this. They don’t.  They have better than the guy off the street, but in most cases not nearly as good as they think. You also can't hear something that is not there, though you may convince yourself that you do.

If a speaker sounds "dark" it has either an on-axis frequency drop (this one does not appear to), or it has low total energy due to off axis response (this one may depending on the model). As well, this one had treble controls in all likelihood.

A silver cable, plated or otherwise is not going to make any difference to the frequency response of the system, no matter what you or any audiophile may believe. The OP is already using Kimber 8TC cables, which are low inductance, and inductance is a far more important factor in high frequency response than conductor material, insulating material, or any other inconsequential property an audiophile or vendor may invent. Taking some random silver plated or silver cable if anything is going to make the problem worse, not better compared to the 8TC, and is only going to waste the OP’s time and money.