If you have wood harder than that.... man that's some hard wood!
One of the hardest in the world and weathers like Teak.. It is used for wooden decks on wood top low beds and really good steak bed gates.
Wooden legs (when painted) CNC and duplicating sculpture. Yea it will tear up a blade pretty quick, BUT I've used it for years, as trim on baltic Birch. The longer it ages, the more of a chocolate color it turns.. Can't dent it.. Tear a car to pieces with a 1" 24" stick.. Beat it to pieces, LOL
Gotta use water.. It stinks to high heaven too...cut dry.. really stinks...
So the springs are only 1/4" around, that is tiny.. I can bore that with a reamer or a bit...and finish the pocket with flat cutter, shim with 1/4 washers.. That's easy, I was thinking 2-3 inch bore.
One of the hardest in the world and weathers like Teak.. It is used for wooden decks on wood top low beds and really good steak bed gates.
Wooden legs (when painted) CNC and duplicating sculpture. Yea it will tear up a blade pretty quick, BUT I've used it for years, as trim on baltic Birch. The longer it ages, the more of a chocolate color it turns.. Can't dent it.. Tear a car to pieces with a 1" 24" stick.. Beat it to pieces, LOL
Gotta use water.. It stinks to high heaven too...cut dry.. really stinks...
So the springs are only 1/4" around, that is tiny.. I can bore that with a reamer or a bit...and finish the pocket with flat cutter, shim with 1/4 washers.. That's easy, I was thinking 2-3 inch bore.