Dahlquist speaker models, question/experience and today

Some of us older audio-piles started with Advents, KLH and others...but most of my friends had the Dahlquist DQ-10 at one time in their audio journey. I know nothing about the 9, 20i, 30i etc. If any of you have experience and can compare the DQ-10 vs later models it would be interesting to hear you thoughts/views/experience. Thanks.

N90 sorry to hear that

no they faded away after Jon , I think they had some decent sounding gear but never replicated or chose to extend the DQ-10 magic...
The magic lived on.  I still have a pair of DQ 20s which have better drivers than the 10 and are still magical.  Regnar provides rebuilds for the woofers and midrange and last I checked scanspeak still has the tweeters in production 30 plus years later.  the 20i and 30s are also nice speakers as are the 9s and the 10s put them on the map but I believe the 20s were there finest hour.  All can be had for a song and can be repaired or upgraded via Regnar if you have minimal skills with a soldering iron.
...eddie, thanks for the info/suggestions.  

I have owned a very large number of speakers over the years...and stacked Advents, Dahlquist DQ-10 and Magnepan 20 are the ones I remember most. 
I would mention Karly, Jaleen and Susanne...but the speakers were cheaper and more reliable. 

The real sleeper of the Dahlquist line is the dq8 the 8 inch two way it is a lot of speakers for the money in a small to medium sized room and you can get them for not much money but be sure to bring a good high current solid state amp to the party.
The sleeper dahlquist is the dq8 it is an amazing speaker for the money for a small to medium sized room with a solid state amplifier tubes do not light it up so do not even try.