As Good as a Mohican... But Used.

I’ve owned a Hegel CDP4AMk2 since 2010. It’s gotten hundreds of hours of play over the last decade. The only problem it ever had was a bit of an LED issue: a couple hundred bucks, and really just an aesthetic issue. The sound was great for the price for the time. It’s still not bad, but def has a decent amount of digitalits associated with its sound compared to higher end, more recent players.

I might be in the market for a "new" player. I’m aware of the controversy over Hegel sourcing Opera parts from China. Yet the Mohican is widely praised for its sonics. That said, I’m not sure I want to drop $5k for a Mohican. They do appear used, but not often. I recently missed one I could have purchased...

I know the Bryston has been said to be almost as good as the Mohican, and for $3500 I could buy new if I felt like it.

All that as preamble, what is out there that’s sonically as good as the Mohican on the used market for about $3k? Anything?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xsumadoggie
millercarbon  I got vinyl covered.  And after talking with Keith Herron I jumped on the  VTPH-2A bandwagon.  ;-)
The Hegel, Bryston, and Marantz will all be good, but will have different sonic presentations.

The BCD-3 will be strictly neutral.  Never heard the Mohican but odds are it will be close.  The Marantz will be a little warmer.  A lot of Audiogon members rate it very highly (check the threads).  I own the Bryston and use it in my second system.  I wanted something a little warmer and got a Luxman.
@twoleftears What Luxman do you have?   I'm looking hard at the Marantz at this point.  Reviews are reviews; and marketing is marketing, but the description of how the Marantz was voiced sounds just like what I'm looking for.   Mohican reviews as neutral and more analogish, relative to the Bryston being more neutral.  
Yeah I got your msg, thanks, and congratulations. That's one fine phono stage. Sounds great right out of the box, and then gets a whole lot better over the next month or so. Enjoy and let us know how it goes!
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