Looking for a new integrated amp

I am looking at three different choices for a new integrated amp. My budget is about $2000. The amps that I am considering are: 1. Rogue Sphinx V3   2. Creek EVO100A    3. Musical Fidelity M5si. What are everyone's experiences with these amps? Does one outshine the others? My taste in music are primarily rock, blues, and classical. My preferences are a wide and deep soundstage with a lot of detail. The rest of my system includes Pro Ject turntable with a ZYX Bloom 3 cartridge, Lounge LCR mkIII and Lounge Copla (both with the silver wire upgrade) and Tekton Double Impact speakers. Opinions on what would sound best with what I have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks....
I own a Rogue Sphinx. I have had no background noise problems. The integrated amp is powerful, clear, fairly detailed, but bright sounding. I have rolled tubes and the sound has improved, but would not buy again over Class A or AB amp.
Not to confuse this further, but I'd suggest Cambridge Audio CXA61 or Hegel H95 over any of the brands mentioned here, with the exception of Belle As. 
i would also recommend hegel but in a good system hegels (like pass and ayre) do not add brightness like many other ss amps

op said in his opening post he wanted plenty of detail... 
I've looked into the Belle but they seem hard to find at my price point. I did look at a couple of used Hegel H160 and was interested but I've never heard one in person. It is interesting that some people have had noise issues with the Rogue and some haven't. I am keeping this in my top picks. The Musical Fidelity also seems to get favorable reviews. So far, I haven't heard any feedback on the Creek. Do they have a bad sound signature? Thanks for all of the alternative ideas. It has kept me busy researching.
All of the amps you are looking at will work fine with your system.  I think I would go with the Rogue.  More importantly I would take a look at upgrading your phono stage.  Just about any competent amplifier will drive those Tektons, but you will really notice a difference with an upgraded photo stage.  I am not familiar with the Zyx carts, but I know they are held in high regard.  If you have an amp that works, I would ask around to get recommendations from some Zyx owners.  Sutherland Engineering might be worth exploring.