I've been dragged to recommendations, kicking and screaming

As a Tidal subscriber, every time I log in new hip hop artists are recommended to me.  Hilarious as I never listen to them, but lately I've been letting Roon play on and I'm discovering new artists and music I would not otherwise.

What's your experience been with online streaming and automated recommendation systems?
I’m thick.. Better they catch my eye, I probably wouldn’t listen otherwise.

I like shiny, pretty things, WIERD works to..

My new stuff come by way of the car radio. THEN I hunt what I want up, and give it a try..

I’ve been an avid Bali fan for many years... I just love some of that music.. I’m no expert, but I can listen for long period...
Bobby Shankar, still bustin’ out a tune or two.. LOL

Still no Yoko Ono, though...

New is fun... Yup..

I haven't gotten into streaming yet. I generally google genre websites that publish new release listings ; or hear something I like while listening to Sirius/XM in the car.
Erik, I listen religiously to my Spotify "Discover Weekly" playlist that is personalized and pushed to me every Monday. It's approx. 2 hours worth of music, selected via Spotify algorithm, based on my previously "liked" selections and stuff I've played recently. I've discovered lots of great new/unfamiliar stuff via the weekly feed. In a typical week's 2 hours worth of selections, only about 2-3 selections are familiar to me. So, lots of new (to me) stuff to add to my growing "discovered" playlist.

BTW, my 17 year old son also listens religiously to his Spotify Discover Weekly playlist that is personalized to him. We rarely every have a track on our respective Discover Weekly Playlists that had previously been included on the other person's list. When he gets a great new track, he forwards it to me, and vice versa.

Happy listening...... 
Batting average isn't quite a Thousand, but I generally like the suggestions Primephonic's Classical Evangelist emails my way a whole lot.