Prefered Amplifiers to run with Harbeth M40.1

As the owner of the Harbeth M40.1, I'm seeking advice from owners of this fine speaker as to which amplifiers they have found to be the most synergistic in terms of overall grip on the bass. I find the bass hard to tame and wonder whether going from tube to SS might be a better match. I'd like to hear from those who have compared tube to SS with my particular model. Associated amp is a Audiomat Opera Reference integrated.
@ Frontier1: IMHO, if you have boomy bass or other bass issues, my suggestion is NOT to buy any new components. Rather, I would focus on changing your room acoustics and speaker placement. There are many good articles on how to tame bass / maximize room acoustics on the Net. Once you have achieved the best you can with room treatments and speaker placement ONLY THEN would I think about buying new gear.

You may well find that inexpensive room changes will remedy any problems. HTH

I was told the the Lfd amps are a great match for the harbeths. I personally have the Lfd ncse paired to spendors and love it. The bass is very well controlled and staut but not boomy.

You can probably find some demos or used around the $3-4k tag. An alternative is to check out the Lfd iv or Lfd III. You should be able to find some used for less than $2k.

Interesting comments at Can't do much about that bass 'hump' though on the early versions of the 40.1 I heard. Have the fixed that yet? Best I heard to date was the LFD PA2M (SE).