I find it amusing how so many "audiophiles" dig in on one or the other medium of music delivery as being superior and the other being useless.
I believe that both digital and analog are amazing once the right formula is found. The right combination of components can/will produce magic. Shutting oneself off to one particular medium because of preconceptions, misconceptions, bad experiences and the like is the definition of ignorance. For many (most?), ignorance is easy, convenient and comfortable. There is pain and inconvenience in discovery and enlightenment. There is also a lot of joy in it, if you're willing to keep an open mind.
I believe that both digital and analog are amazing once the right formula is found. The right combination of components can/will produce magic. Shutting oneself off to one particular medium because of preconceptions, misconceptions, bad experiences and the like is the definition of ignorance. For many (most?), ignorance is easy, convenient and comfortable. There is pain and inconvenience in discovery and enlightenment. There is also a lot of joy in it, if you're willing to keep an open mind.