I feel i have been done wrong by TMR..

The story I'm about to tell does not reflect in anyway any purposely wrongdoing by TMR.
I have dealt with TMR in the past and although there was a glitch, they went out of their way to rectify it and all ended well; so, I know they are good guys that practice good business. However, the other day I purchased, and by purchase, I mean moved into a cart and then pressed the pay button for a pair of Gallo speakers. To my surprise I received an SMS saying my card was charged on the one hand, and at the same time I've received a Message that the speakers have already been sold to someone else. This is the short end of the story; the full story ‏shows up a few posts below. I admit at first I've been very upset and I started this post in a different way, it parked a lot of reaction, most of it in favor of TMR which I find to be great, but the real question I want to ask and this is regardless of if it happened with TMR or with any other venue, is,  how can it be that once you move any product into a cart and press the pay button within a few moments the product can be sold simultaneously to another buyer? isn't there any smarter way to prevent such an incident which is obviously going to leave one of the customers disappointed and upset?

128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xthesound
You could delete the thread, though, which would be the proper step to take considering you have accomplished your stated purpose of getting TMR’s attention, and in so doing unnecessarily dragged the company’s name and reputation through the mud.

@thesound  If you contact me in Support, I can make the edits for you. Support@audiogon.com   Attention: Tammy 
While your original post seemed innocent enough... and you posed a simple question, this is the internet after all.  You'd be naive to think it would not spark controversy.  Hopefully most people here realize that, and by the overwhelmingly POSITIVE feedback for TMR, I hope it helped them more than it hurt them.  
I never knew about TMR, and I just visited their website.  I have Zero concerns about doing business with them for a first time.
As for Jordi, who is bashing on them for their prices.... How is that a problem?  Simply DON'T buy it if you don't like the price! There's no need to bad mouth them about it.  
As a 55yr old audiophile and recording engineer, I've had lots of gear, and I've averaged about 50/50 between buying new & used.  I've only been disappointed a few times, and only scammed once on Ebay.      
Maybe the pandemic has us all a bit on edge

I regret participating in this train wreck

I am disappointed in Audiogon for selecting this to be one of the Friday posts to review....surely there had to be better topics to choose from.  
I have had one experience with TMR . I purchased a set of cables. There condition was not as good as they had described. Shipping and packaging was ok for a set of cables.  I made a few calls about another item and they never returned my calls so I moved on . I would probably would take a chance and purchase from them again. I agree that they messed up on the CD player. Everyone makes mistakes and it seems they did their best to make you happy. Which I feel they must have done otherwise you would not have intended to make another purchase from them.