Considering getting a CD player (again). Used? New? Criteria?

After years without one, I'm considering getting a CD player. I'm not against streaming, but I have many CD's and would like the simplicity of just playing them from time to time. I probably want to cap my expenditure at $700, or so, because this won't be the only way I play music.

A few questions:
If you've purchased a new CD player, what did you buy? Why?
If you've purchased a used player, how old is too old? What factors helped you choose?

My concern with used is that the transport mechanism of older players will be getting tired, and this won't be knowable just because a unit "checks out" with the site (or individual) testifying to the player's working condition. There's got to be an average point for many machines to give up the ghost, mechanically (varying from machine to machine, of course).
For those with limited funds, the Marantz CD6006 ($499) is an easy recommend. A very musical player with good build quality and a 3-year warranty.
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I got a good deal from a friend on a Cambridge Audio Azur 840 CD player after my mint used $40 Rotel 855 went kaput.  All I did was move the 855 into another room and then the laser stopped reading discs.

The Azur 840 is very nice but seems very analytical sounding and I actually prefer the 16 bit Rotel over the Azur.  
Note, with my amp (Onix OA-60 dual mono int), I do not have the capability to listen to the Azur in balanced mode which is supposed to be much better.  The Azur also has many other DAC features built in, that a dinosaur like me doesn’t know how to use yet, as I still enjoy my LPs and cassettes :)
You can get an Audiolab CDT 6000 transport on sale now for $500, Add to that a Schiit Modi Multibit for $350 and you would have a nice CD playing system that would be upgradable with better DACS later on. 
I have had the ERC-3, Marantz 6006, and Audiolab 6000cdt. Out of those choices, the Emotiva is the best, no contest, in my opinion. The Marantz feels and sounds like a consumer product, I don't know why it is reviewed so highly, I found it to be very unimpressive. The Audiolab is okay, but I think the Emotiva is the best player at this price point. I've also had anewer NAD player, but again was not very impressed. I will be purchasing an ERC-4.