Tube-based DACS: Positive? Negative? 

Tube-based DACS: Positive? Negative?

I’ve been desiring to interject some of the desirable characteristics of vacuum tubes into a fully SS system.

Are there users out there who have positive experiences with tube-based DACs in this regard?

Such offerings by Lampizator, Prima Luna, and others seem to present some interesting solutions. Would love to hear your feedback.

Thanks :)

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’audio mirror tubador’
’black ice tube dac’


know also that there are other very effective methods of delivering a smooth, relaxed, seductive sound from digital without tubes... 
know also that there are other very effective methods of delivering a smooth, relaxed, seductive sound from digital without tubes

I think @jjss49 is alluding to a R2R NOS Dac which delivers these qualities. Tube or SS it delivers smooth organic sonics.
IMO, a tube stage design is worth looking for. 

I had great sounds from the Aesthetix Romulus CD Player. I believe their Pandora is the identical DAC,,,
Tube-based DACS: Positive? Negative?

If you want to color the sound, do it with a tube pre or buffer, that way you can take them out if you feel you want no coloration.
Even better get a Schiit Freya pre that way you have 3 sounds in one "passive" "tube" or "solid state"

Cheers George
Border Patrol makes a Dac which has been getting some good buzz. It is R2R NOS solid state with no digital filters. 
Tube rectification is used which presents some great options such as a smooth presentation with the ability to 
change the attack and decay by tube rolling.