Quad 989/2905 all around qualities


I would like to ask how newer versions of QUAD ESL with additional
bass panels perform in other styles of music rather traditional QUAD ESL
ultimate - jazz, classic, vocals and acoustic in general. Are they a way better then ESL63 let's say in progressive rock, pop of 80's psychedelic, fusion, or modern free jazz with some touch of electronic ?
I am not talking about hard rock, trance/house/excessive electronic or dynamic music.

Unfortunately, I can't listen to the new QUADS ESL in my area, so all i can do is trust some reviews and ask for people opinions.

I liked a lot ESL63 for what they do, but they were almost unlistenable while I was feeding them with LED ZEPPELIN or BoneyM for example.
So how are the new ones ?
Thank you.
This weekend i was finally able to listen to Quad 989
The setup included Quad2-40 mono blocks and Quad99CDP - basic cd+preamp from Quad. The speakers were just few days old, so those are definitely "first" impressions.

First of all - the look. I did like the look of those.
Read a lot of negative feedbacks, in my opinion they are surely not the prettiest speakers around, but i had no problem with their looks. The white-blue finish is pretty nice overall. They are pretty solid-standing too, although i felt this aspect still could be improved. (ESL2905 :-)

As for the sound...
Here i have some mixed feelings compared to ESL63.
First, i have to say again:
a) These speakers were just few days old
b) There was no critical placement done for the speakers and during the listening session i felt it is a must with those. They were "generally placed as suggested", but without critical fine tuning.
c) I don't like the Quad 99CDP. I have had several opportunities to listen to this preamp-cd and i think it is not very musical, somewhat harsh, not too revealing - in one word very basic and not a match for 989 (even the 63).

Having said that i was depressed not to hear the magic of ESL63 mid-range - their unmatched musicality, acoustic sound being slowly decayed etc. It exhibit little magic i remember from ESL63. On the positive side, i somehow felt it might be improved, since my feeling was those speakers ARE MUCH MORE SENSITIVE to a-b-c above (break in, placement, source/pre amp and the recordings).

Other impressions: bass was much better, still not very deep or dynamic-like bass (no "wooo", no air movement), but significantly improves the contra-bass and organ pieces.
Much more presence and substance then ESL63 - they were almost "flat" and had zero bass.

Also the slam and general presence/substance - MUCH better then ESL63.

Certainly less compressed than ESL63.
More sonically neutral than already neutral ESL63
More precise (better resolution), less directional in treble.

It seems like 989 bass has some hole. The transition from mid-bass to a deeper bass in not always flat.

Generally, my impression was: Those speakers while being more neutral, more precise (still not greatest precision around), having better frequency response and dispersion, being better dynamically had become closer to "traditional" speakers sound wise and have lost much of old ESLs magic.
Again, my feeling is that at least some of this magic may be gained back, by breaking-in, positioning and matching the equipment. Those are much more revealing and sensitive speakers than ESL63. Less forgiving. Up to a complete dissatisfaction !

Music types.
Bottom line, they were better with rock than 63.
Rock became listenable on some minimalistic level, but
still far from being good enough or even satisfying.
By rock i mean Led Zeppelin, Queen, King Crimson.
Not the heavy rock.

On other types of music - classic (easy classic, organ music, Beethoven's 9 symphony) - much better result than 63. Image, presence, absolutely listenable and enjoyable.
Acoustic rock - Also, better presence, more substance.
Jazz/Vocals - good.

So, this speakers are still not good for rock. Not even try.
Additional bass panels do improve presence, substance and make low octaves listenable.
Could the magic of ESL63 be regained ?
That's the question....
If yes, clearly an improvement over ESL63.
Otherwise... you have a more traditional like, magic-less sound from the electrostatic speaker...

What is other people's impression of 989 ?
How it compares to 2905 ?
Comparing to Martin Logan combos i think a better dynamics/bass could be obtained by matching 988/63 with a woofer then having 989. Not sure how they will work together. Never tried it.
Also, for a moment esl63 seems to be easier on my ears then a 989 at the store.
Again, probably the break-in issue...
Hi Katamapah,

Break-in could have been an issue. Quad amps tend to be a little soft...and i am not sure they would have driven them as well as other more high-current amps.

However, i would not be surprised if your initial impressions held...even after a proper break-in. Those who heard the 2905s when i was there said the el63 also was special...though they did say the newer model was far more linear. Hence the trade-off you mentioned.

In my own experience...i started out with Celesions SL6si...and continuing to focus on tubes and other equipment that delivered a very warm sound...but i knew it was a sacrifice of linearity, sharp upper bass punch...in order to keep that mellifluous sound.

Now that i have been fortunate to get some superior electronics that are very linear but also very musical (to my ears)...i actually find myself looking for linear products to join my system. Because the voicing is exactly where i want it...and the more mellifluous products which are also perhaps less linear (like your el63) really do not have a place in my system any longer.

You may find with different electronics (which allow the newer model to shine where it is great)...that you find a different way to msuicality. just a thought.

Despite the paragraph above...none of these electrostats will play rock super-hard. tho the newer ones will be better at it.

good luck and let us know what you decide.
Thanks, Lloydelee21.
Good points.

I don't know exactly what you mean by linearity, but i guess it is an uniform ability to be precise over all of the frequency range.
For some reason many people from some point on with their equipment prefer "precise" over "magic" for a long run.
I never felt like this before, but now, i start little by little understand them.
I guess, "magic" is good if you listen to very specific type of music (where the magic of equipment is) or for some second or relatively "low cost" (not to confuse with low quality) system. Like with the ESL63. You agree to live with the magic for certain kind of music at certain payoff at all the rest.
On other side, musicality is still very important to me, actually it is most important to me.
What do you mean by
"You may find with different electronics (which allow the newer model to shine where it is great)...that you find a different way to msuicality. just a thought. " ?