Is a dedicated transport justified?

In my system I am running an AMC CD6 as a transport into a Monarchy Audio DIP then into a Theta Pro Basic DAC, if I got a stand alone transporr for something in the range under $500 used would there be a great sonic benefit?
Thanks for any and all help......Chad
I agree the Toshiba's have great PRAT. Not sure why though.Maybe the difference you hear in your units are related by a mixture of jitter, resistance level of the digital output or the digital cable used? Or maybe all three?
Thanks to Gmood1 for a posible interpretation as to why the low end of a 3 seems to have more slam. I use Syn. Research's $1200 active rca dig. cable; going into Audiomecca dac. I only change transport, using the same cable/ dac. Both transports sit on Bright Star;(same for each) The difference is very noticable.---Yes, Theta has been good to me. My player has had 2 rebuilds Not to forget to mention, I live about 12/15 miles from them.
I upgraded from the Cal Audio CL2500DVD Player to the Theta Carmen II and could certainly hear the difference.