Do active speakers interest you? Also, let's talk directivity

Hey all. Don't think I've ever made a thread here. This is a super interesting community for me. I'm an audio professional, a mastering engineer and music educator. I'm someone who differs from much of the pro community, in that I don't see a difference between "pro" systems and "high-end" systems. 

There is one way they often differ, and that is in terms of directivity. Home systems are more frequently omni, while and studio or live sound requires directivity.

This was definitely the case in the 70s, back when audiophiles still had parties :D 

It's very hard to set up a directional system to fill a large room evenly unless you use a line array.

But let's be honest. Aren't we mostly sitting and listening, and hoping for a good image? We aren't expecting every spot in a big room to sound exactly the same for every guest. Personally, my social life is 95% virtual now and I am generally listening in my mastering room. I have a high end system in every room in my house, but my wife uses the living room system more than me (and she has better taste in music, so it's nice to learn about some new artists when she decides to put something on from he collection).

Anyway, I'm designing an active system. Though the cabinet is not large, with a combination of Hoge's principles and active electronics, we will achieve accurate response through to 20hz.

The reason to choose an active crossover is very obvious. Sending power directly to each driver allows us to use a very low sensitivity woofer, which thus plays much deeper than expected. We are using a ported woofer and a sealed midrange/hi cabinet, which are not sold separately. An interesting feature is the the very low-crossed ribbon tweeter carrying all of the high midrange and treble

It's an 1800w system, aimed at both the professional and home market. I'm curious, does this sound interesting to anyone? We are intending to have a prototype ready by 2022, so it is a ways off.

Part of the directivity concept is also dealing with room issues. Cancelling the rear energy of the woofers can help. I am inspired by Bruno and Merjin (whatever  his name :P). a big part of our concept has to do with advanced acoustic materials, which I don't want to discuss too much, as I don't think anyone else has thought of it or connected with that maker, yet

Curious to hear people's thoughts!
I am using the el-cheapo Behringer DCX and DEQ (and cannot report any sonic inferiority, there is even a firmware patch for the audiophiles ;-) and since I wanted to toss some extra money at the task , the dbx venu360. 

Reason...I am constantly building speakers, no need for it, just pure ideas and fun.

Passive crossover do cost money if you want quality and higher order.

While that is offset by the need for 2nd and xrd amp once you have it (active xover and enough amps) it can't be beaten for flexibility. E.g. how is dialling back mid- level versus soldering in resistors? Or switching to a different xover type or order with a couple clicks vs. a lot of different value parts to be soldered/switched out? Same for time alignment, phase inversion at xover (actually that one is damn easy, but still soldering)..the list of plus(es) is long. 

Try to grab your input in the digital domain (CD dig out, SPDIF or AES/EBU from devices like the Raspberry pi). It works with sampling analogue, but I cannot see a benefit.

The bitch about being a middle class audiophile is saving for a pair of dream speakers you heard at a shop or show bringing them home to have them sound awful. It’s happened to me more than once. Dsp active speakers, digital xovers, controlled directivity, time aligned bass and self powered. Whats not to like?
I could live with all sorts of different esoteric passive or active set ups, and have done over nearly fifty years of box swapping to experiment and aiming to hear the music better.

A rough chronology is.........
Quad, Tannoy, Garrard 401
Naim 32.5-52, 110-135, IBL-DBL
47 Labs, Bauer dps, Linn Lp12, Linn Isobarik. Pass Labs, Mark Levinson,
Cello Serafin actives
ATC scm50asl actives, Meridian M2.
Merlin TSM and VSM.
Tannoy SRM15, HPD295,315,385.
Chord Mono amps, Bryston 4SST.
Hegel 360, Harbeth SHL5+.Ayon Triton III integrated, Escalante Fremont Mk2 (best passives owned).
Lavardin Lecontoure Stabile 210,
Tannoy Legacy Ardens.

Arriving at, expecting to be final system....

ME Geithain RL901K (K for Cardioid) with Ayon S-10 mk2 pre/network/streamer/Dac as front end with t/t and cd transport as further sources. has much discussion on all makes of active speakers with studio professionals and Hifi people alike swopping comments.

Info on Geithain.......

Sound Link Pro Audio
video clip on YouTube 

I have a pair of dynaudio focus 20 xd's in my office.   they have DAC in addition to amps, and no wires needed other than power cord for files up to 24/192 or something thereabouts.  

I this type of speaker is going to be very popular and is the way of the future.  many people don't have the space for a big system, especially in an office or the kitchen (I have a Naim mu-so qb 2nd generation in my Kitchen--Roon Ready).  the focus xd's are essentially a great sounding system and only comprise two boxes.  if they were Roon Ready it would be almost perfect (but they don't sound anywhere near as good as my old C1s).