The D9 is quoted at 90 dB sensitivity and 8 ohms nominal impedance, so even allowing for typical manufacturer hyperbole, along with the Luxman and Accuphase you could also look at one of the lower powered Pass amps. You want something that runs in class A, or runs several watts in class A before transitioning to A/B.
Class A or AB Solid State Integrated Amp for Spendor D9's - Coming from Tubes
So I'm looking at getting a solid state Class A or AB integrated amp to go with my Spendor D9's and my Lumin T2. I strictly stream and do not have a turntable setup. I'm coming from my Line Magnetic 805ia which I love (will still keep it around but turn it on for those times where I want to listen to tube and not drain its life on watching TV) but I would still like to find a warmer/sweeter sound rather than a sterile, ultra-analytical sound. Some that I have considered include:
- Luxman 590AXII
- Accuphase E800
- Diablo 300
- Boulder 866
- ...
- 23 posts total
The Sugden IA4 is a fantastic sounding unit that would save you a few bucks over the options you posted. Or go all out and go for the new Riviera Labs Levante! I've heard the Luxman, and it's a nice piece. Not had the chance to hear the other 3 you have listed. |
there are a number of very refined, powerful solid state choices out there pass ayre hegel naim in addition to luxman or accuphase already mentioned but if you like the sound of your line mag tube amp you are not going to get that lush rounded off sound from any of the above suggest you 'split the difference' with a tube linestage feeding a solid state power amp, or get a tubey sounding dac, of which there are several good ones on the market presently |
- 23 posts total