Capped off?

Good morning to the community!  I am using RCA caps (from Cardas – don’t know if that makes a difference) on all my unused ports.  Supposedly, they help eliminate crosstalk between the outputs and inputs.  I’m really not sure if I can tell a difference, but they sure look cool!

Anybody else using these?  If so, I would be interested in your thoughts.  Thanks! 

I will get some caps just for the cool factor. Unless there’re people out there can really hear improvement, not difference, from those shorting plugs.
Tonight I placed shorting plugs into the inputs on my preamp. I have these gold plated plugs that were from years past. I'll need to listen for a few days to note any sonic change.

Maybe I'll get the dust caps for the outputs but I don't know if they provide any benefit.

How about those nice looking XLR caps in both males and females selling at Amazon? Anyone has tried those yet? They really look cool. 
The new stuff like a Mcintosh C2500. there is no long runs of wire because its not point to point. Its all pretty much logic board, with really short runs, and RCAs and XLRs are soldered directly to the board.

The "Shorting plugs" on Point to Point, Night and Day. You better, hook inside, to the outside of the RCA. Talk about clean it up. They are normally nickel, new stuff is gold. You can change that though, for the tweak guys.. I clean the heck out of the connections, with steel wool on a spinner, then, I treat them too.

I use gold "CAPS" on my new stuff just for looks. It has NO purpose other than to keep the dust OUT, cover the RCA, and look good.

PPT I thought it was Pin Point/point to point Termination, PPT caps, inside to outside.

XLRs? Flipper caps, they do get dusty inside..without covers, though.
