VPI Magic Brick threads deleted

just stumbled across these titles in the ’related threads’ zone to the right of any thread content - there were a couple referring to Harry’s Brick - here is one...

... but they have both been deleted when I clicked the link....hmmmm....
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xjjss49
i too still have a half dozen of these

i don’t think they improve the sound in any way other than mass loading some components and reducing resonances

but they are handy for that purpose

more useful than that shakti stone BS for sure
@jjss49,        I agree regarding the Shakti stone, that is pure Voodoo.
Ok other than weight, for some, the idea is to mess with the transformer field, or visa versa, not let other fields interfere, with the transformer?

What about switching power supply or Toroidal? Anyone know?

Need some magic glasses to see different fields, Like Jordy, on Generation, with his visor?

Yup, A field visor. Better than a field advisor.....

Thanks.. A dog gone brick... Go figure...

Definitely work. I use them on top of the transformers in my Manley monoblocs to good effect. Back in the day when I had time for this sort of thing, I compared their effect to that of 8lbs of stacked......yes, bricks (three/per as I recall). Yup, the Magic Bricks did sound better. A subtle, but noticeable tightening of the sound and reduction of HF grain.  Like magic!  😊
They are still being sold in the Uk by www.britishaudiostore.com (no affiliation)
I have been using them for 25+years and firmy believe that nary a power transformer should be without them: lowered noisefloor as well as overall clarity of the system. Deleting the threats is an act of vandalism.