Sutherland 20/20 v Manley Chinook

My current set-up is a VPI Classic 1 turntable with a Lyra Delos cartridge, and my phono stage is a Dynavector P75. I'd like to upgrade my phono stage - my budget is $2000. I've read great things about both the Sutherland 20/20 and the Manley Chinook.

Any thoughts on those two? Any others I should consider in my price range?

I would pick almost any of those over the Sutherland, which is lacking in dynamics and attack.
Helpful thread. I tried a Sutherland KC Vibe and it was decent but too tame. My EAR 834p had much better depth and soundstage. 
I just popped the Chinook into my system and so far I am impressed. It is very dynamic and detailed, but musical. I need to play with the loading to dial it in but it’s a keeper. The stock 60db gain setting was a bit low for the Hana SL, but the Upscale Audio SE MK II has a jumper that increases gain to 65db which is perfect. 
+1 for @stevecham comments. I have owned both as well, he pretty spot on. have not owned the Sutherland. only comment I will add on the Chinook, is buy one of the older units. The latest models all dumped the big toroid for a switcher power supply. Linear supplies and phono stages are much better match for lower noise floor. Also if you change out the load resistors on the rear panel with Vishay foils, you will lower the noise floor by 12 db or so. 
The dual mono sutherland 20/20 is quite dynamic, super transparent and extended at both ends. The treble extension,  filtering caps and transparent presentation make it special.  absolutely zero noise at the highest of volumes.  
Add the optional outboard bargain priced linear power supply and it is tough to beat.
love the sound of mine.
+1 on the 20/20. The Sutherland, while good at the extremities, is a midrange king - it is one of those SS pieces that just nails it. Of course, the optional LPS is a requirement. I'm a biased Sutherland Big Loco user. The Manley Chinook is also a good piece and yes, it is a hybrid using a JFET in the tube circuit.