Separate grounded outlet for audio setup

Wondering if anyone has put in a separate outlet for their audio setup with a separate ground that is not associated with the regular ground for the rest of the home.  Any instructions out there?
I have a couple of separate lines going into the audio room. The ground circuit is not separate.
I would check with a licensed electrician to see that if code allows what you are talking about.

Are you experiencing noise problems?
I’m not receiving any excessive noise or hiss. Am just thinking that if the setup is separately grounded (ie what they do in hospitals for special equipment) that the power would be cleaner & no need for a conditioner 
Wondering if anyone has put in a separate outlet for their audio setup with a separate ground that is not associated with the regular ground for the rest of the home ...
That would be potentially hazardous and a major NEC violation. All grounds must be bonded together along with the neutral at the main service panel.