Where to go after Anticables Level 3 power cords?

Hi all! I'm relatively happily using Anticables Level 3 power cords around my whole system, but looking how to upgrade without spending crazy money for monsters like Shunyata, Audioquest, Transparent, NBS, Nordost. Heard good references about Acoustic Zen, Jena Labs, LessLoss etc., but because of living in Europe not all of them is easy to try before buying, so looking forward to your experience regarding who is reliably better than Anticables Level 3, at prices below 1K per 6ft cable (new or second-hand).
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+1, for the SR Master Coupler.     I have an active iteration, on the Stealth XXX, power purifier, that feeds most of my components.    Another on my Transnova 9505, subwoofer amp (wall-outlet-fed).     Neither are going anywhere, anytime soon.