Fuse replacement with non stock in preamp External Power Supply??

Have been reading a lot of threads about fuse replacement. Not wishing to start a debate - just have a question.

I am not asking if this really works or not. Maybe will, or maybe will not in my system. I am open to at least seeing what happens.

My question is about my VAC Standard LE external power supply fuse.

Is replacing that similar to when one replaces the main AC fuse in another component?
It looks to be a a 6X32mm 4 Amp 250V fuse SLOW BLOW.

Anyway- is that a fuse to consider swapping out?
Thank you for you for input.

You never know until you try but the only place I haven't heard a big improvement is the Verus motor controller for my turntable. Everywhere else its been obviously better. Both Blue and Orange. 

Remember the external power supply is external to improve shielding of noise from the power supply. Other than that, and the long wire, its no different than any other power supply situation. Fuses always are the first thing after the power switch. In other words they come before the power supply. Making it external changes nothing in that regard. 

"You never know until you try..."      +1      Regardless of the rationale; if you think it sounds better, it will have been worth the effort and time spent.      If not; with a satisfaction guarantee, it will have cost nothing, to satisfy your curiosity.
Makes good sense to me..

Is that a NEW avatar MC. I never noticed that.. Nice Apron,  definitely has a brother named Ivan. :-)

Thanks everybody.Will give it a try.
I checked with Kevin at VAC about the correct fuse rating value and he confirmed the rating and that it was Slow Blow.Thinking of going with Furutech rhodium which is decent price and they are  UL approved so will stay with the same rating of fuse.