What is the best audiophile speaker for a tiny square room?

I currently have Soundlabs M545 electrostatic speakers in my 9 x 11ft room. They are great speakers particularly for this small room because they are more directional than box speakers and therefore decrease sidewall reflections. However, like other electrostatics, they are hard to drive and require big amps (>200W), which tend to generate a lot of heat. Class Ds don't go well with ES speakers. Are there great easy to drive speakers that would work well in this room without compromising SQ?
I don't think I've ever seen a thread asking for speaker suggestions where more people said to keep the current speakers. Must be heartening to know how much people respect your SLs. 
Sound Labs are the state of the art in electrostatics, and the Majestic is IMO one of the top five speakers made if price is no object.
I suggest adding room treatment before doing anything else. I have an 18 x 11 x 8 room that was a sonic disaster before treatment and am now using a combination of diffusion and absorption. The treatment makes the room behave as if much larger than it physically is.

Speakers that are generally thought to need LOTS of space (Sony ES SS-M7) have never sounded better than they do in this environment. I can also say from experience that LS50s can sound horrible in a room that needs treatment.

I also recommend GIK Acoustics. I sent them some room measurements and they suggested a combination of diffusion and absorption. I was skeptical about using any diffusion (how could that help a room that is way too bright?) and ordered Alpha Panels that can be mounted for either diffusion or absorption so that I could try both. I much prefer diffusion.