Making phono resistance plugs

Any ideas about making a pair? Looks simple. Any esoteric suggestions? Need a little over 400 ohm. Any particular brand of resistor, or plug? 
My phono pre also has the large step from 100 ohm to 1000 ohm loading. I tried a Y-adapter to add parallel loading plugs, but decided I like the Audioquest “Hard RCA Splitter” better. See
I use a resistor about 1000 ohms in parallel with the 1000 ohm setting to get to about 500 ohms load resistance. I made a bunch of plugs to try various loading between 100 and 1000 ohms, and settled on the 500 ohms loading. 
The recommended load setting for my Hana Umami Red is >60 ohms.
Fortunately my phono allows me to adjust gain and load on the fly

(EAT E-Glo S). My phono load settings are, adjust gain and load on the fly  (EAT E-Glo S). My phono load settings are,
10R, 30R, 50R, 90R, 100R, 1K, 47K.


Give me a schematic, I can figure it out...

Series, Parallel or both. AND Stick  a pot in there, just for good measure. LOL

Greater than 60 ohms. Parallel.  My thinking, put a pot before the resistor, and run the other end of the resistor to the neg. Then you can very the choice, between the two values.. IF I'M wrong, then how can that "idea" be implemented? That's MY question, I'm a common ol mechanic. I want to learn too. LOL.. I'm an Old Dog, I can still learn a new trick or two..

I think if it was hooked up to 100 and lPad down to 60. Something like that.. How do you do that? Teach me..

Thanks OP, I know you understand, you SEEM as picky, and nosey as me.. LOL,  BIG :-). Tinker fest USA here... Just my nature...

So we're clear, all my STUFF is coming out of storage, I know I forgot more than I can remember.  I gotta start firing on all 6.. 153624, To young, to old, just right. Military memory.. 36 to OLD, NOW WAY to young. :-)


If I sometimes forget to say that I am only expressing my opinion, then let me say it again; I am only expressing my opinion.  So, my opinion is that installing a pot to control phono load is probably not going to sound optimal, unless one uses a stepped attenuator where each step is made with a single value high quality resistor.  THAT could sound fine.  Lots of excellent phono stages do something along those lines.  I did not mean to imply that the idea is "wrong".  Sorry about that. 
FYI... My Whest phono stage .20 was delivered today, and as anticipated it had 2 sets of loading plugs, 47k ohm and 100 ohm. I have been listening 3-4 hours and I must say that the vocals are marvelous and has been a treat to listen to. Since my Hana SL is a low output MC cartridge, I selected the 100 ohm. I think the plan is to buy several values of resistors and make a set of plugs to accommodate the Hana and other cartridges, especially the Denon DL-103 that is new and still in the box. Forgive me if I get this wrong but I plan to buy metal film resistors around 1/8 watt, 1% tolerance at various ohm values between 0 and 1000. Since the Hana's specs list >400 ohm, one will be around 420. My question is what values to get to accommodate most MC cartridges?