Is a balanced XLR cable inherently less critical than a single ended RCA one?

I am currently using a completely balanced system. TT to preamp to amps. The cable from TT to preamp is inexpensive Mogami and the cable from preamp to amps is an even less expensive generic from Amazon.
I got the Mogami cable from the manufacturer who says that this balanced connection does not require an expensive cable and says the same for the other connection. IME with single ended cables, they make a very significant difference. Are balanced a different story?
This guy lied balanced is always better there will be a bigger difference when you get some real cables.Have fun!!
Yes, balanced cables do make a difference. And, each one has its own signature sound. As you progress up the ladder of better and more sensitive equipment the differences in cable is apparent.

This guy lied balanced is always better there will be a bigger difference when you get some real cables.Have fun!!
Are you referring to my story and Dr. Roshkow? if so, c'mon. No need to be calling people liars in this hobby of subjective "truths". What makes you think my SE cables are not top flight. They are. 
If you are responding to the OP, nevermind. 
IME with SE cables, they do make a big difference. It is not a stretch to say that the change in sound is akin to upgrading any component. I think I will invest in about a $1K used XLR cable.
Don’t think I would hear any big change with a less expensive one.