Mcintosh C2600 preamp tube upgrade

I recently added the new McIntosh C2600 tube preamp to my system. It's paired up with the MC452 power amp along with Sonus Faber Elipsa speakers and Transparent interconnects/speaker cable.
I"m looking for some guidance with regard to upgrading the tubes in the C2600. Should I, or shouldn't I ? 
Also, what brand should I look for and where should I buy them. And finally, is this a diy upgrade or should I have it done at a audio shop? 
I appreciate any guidance all you audiophiles can offer
Hi folks - I'm looking to do the same thing: replace my analog tubes work some Gold Lions. What tubes on the C2600 would be the ones I want to swap out? 
Tried the Gold Lion 12AX7 tubes in my McIntosh C2500 preamp.  Listened for a week, liked the McIntosh branded tubes much better. I bought the a gold Lion tubes from Upscale.  They were rated “uncle Kevin’s personal stash”. Which are their most expensive and lowest noise.  If anyone is interested in them, send me a PM. I am not planning on listing them, too much of a hassle. 
@jeffinnh76,       If you are looking to make the line inputs sound better(cd player/dac, music server) put them there. If you want to do the moving coil or moving magnet input, put them there.  Refer to your owners manual which will show you what tubes go where.  It is also marked on the tube strip once you take the cover off to change them. 
Noob question: do I put one of each: 12ax7 & 12at7 in place of the stock tubes?