Tube phono preamp vs parasound hint phono stage

Hi all. I’m looking for some tube magic. Will a tube phono stage add a bit, a lot, none? Now, before anyone says, “Why don’t you get a REAL tube amp and be done with it?”
I love my current amp and I’m not looking to replace it for several reasons:
1. It is also part of my home theater because of  HT bypass 

2. It has tone controls. No reasonably priced tube amp has them and I won’t be talked out of them; I dare you to try.  Thank you in advance and remember, be nice. 

I would merely focus on upgrading your phono preamp rather than adding tube character. 

I once did an A/B comparison between the Hint’s onboard phono stage and the Parasound Z-Phono. The $200 Z-phono came out on top. 

My advice is to get a JC3 Jr. in the color that will match your integrated. Run a balanced connection between the Jr. and your integrated. You’ll be very happy with the upgrade. 
I just replaced by Asthetix Rhea (tube phone stage) for an Allnic H3000 (tube phone stage) (my preamp is the Jeff Rowlins Criterion) and the improvement was STAGGERING.  I don't think its necessarily a tube phone stage but getting an excellent phone stage.  (turn table is the JRTransrotor Rodino with Transrotor SME 5012 Arm & Clearaudio Strad II).