Which speakers for McIntosh tube amp MA2275-Why?

I would like to get advices on how to select the best speakers for my McIntosh MA2275 tube amp at 75 Watt per channel. Using these opinions I will limit my search to a handful of speakers. It would be best to listen to as many as possible but there is no high-fi in my area and even listening to a hand full of speakers would require significant traveling.I live in a remote area. My budget? I would buy used,$6000 maybe? Size is not an issue and would like efficient speakers.I need fair bass response for pipe organ. Transparent with low distorsion and a huge sound stage would be nice. I listen to 30% classical 30% rock 30% Jazz 10% other. Being a physicist technical discussions may help in my preselection.

Thank you,
To Lokie. Talking about impedance dip. This is the type of info I am looking for the preselection even if at the end my ears will decide.

As a pysicist I studied topics related to amps and speakers a long time ago and worked on more exotic stuff since then. I am afraid that I forgot many things...age doesn't help I guess...

If someone could explain the difference of behavior between ss-amp and tube amp when it comes to variation in impedance that could be interesting. I heard that for tube amp it is better if the speaker has a positive phase angle than a negative one. Is this true? Why?

My MA2275 has large output transformers, my feeling is that the stored magnetic energy should make my amp less sensitive to dips in impedance than a SS amp as SS amp don't have the large energy reservoir. What is wrong with my reasoning?

I have on my MA2275 2,4 and 8 Ohms output; it is the magnitude of my impedance. Is my amp output purely resistive or reactive? Does it influence how well my speakers will match, how they will behave?

To Lapierre Audio Note AN-E SPe HE. These speakers are 98 db efficient in rather small cabinet or at least not that large. I doubt that it has the bass extension suitable for pipe organ. Also the cabinet is lightly braced with little damping as it is supposed to ''supports the drivers in their task, not unlike the box of a guitar''

It would be a very difficult task to tune a cabinet to help the drivers and ending with low coloration and artefact. I am not sure that I would trust that.

What is your experience with this product?

I would better trust JM lab or Dali

Have a nice day
Klipschfan made a stellar advisement. The LaScala II is just about as efficent as a speaker gets, and has midrange that will knock your socks off. Paired with a great sub from JL Audio will give you the depth to deliver the pipe organ in spades. Excellent suggestion, especially paired with the McIntosh tube amp.