Looking for a good system for my apartment. Any advise?

I have a medium sized living room. Any ideas for this fledgling audiophile?
I'm looking for a decent turn table, amp, speakers and a cd player. Money IS an object so if there is anything you can recommend that won't break the bank but still offer a nice sonic experience (We love classical, jazz and the Grateful Dead).
Thank you.
Try Elac speakers and integrated amp. Andrew Jones is a brilliant engineer. He created some of the best speakers, TAD, and now he is using his talent to create affordable speakers for Elac.  Their discovery integrated has built in room correction, lots of bang for the buck. Try finding a used Parasound JC3+ phone stage.  
Parasound makes a great integrated amp with just about everything you could want.The prior model Halo 5 should be available used for $1500 and it will work magic with a used pair of Magnepan 1.7i or 1.7 which should be available for another $1500 or less if you go with the 1.7 leaving enough for a tt, CD player and possibly a used sub.
Enjoy the journey 
fojomo the Quatros never fail to amaze me I am a fan of Vandersteens you might want to demo a pair of 2ce sigII you could fined a good price on them sense the new model is out and I would get one front end piece turntable or CD player I would do a steamer or the turntable if you are going to do tubes for the amp demo a Rogue Cronus Mag I had one with my Vandersteen 2ce sigII great combo  
Enjoy the Music 
Try Elac speakers and integrated amp. Andrew Jones is a brilliant engineer. He created some of the best speakers, TAD, and now he is using his talent to create affordable speakers for Elac.  Their discovery integrated has built in room correction, lots of bang for the buck. Try finding a used Parasound JC3+ phone stage.  
Muzishare X7 tube amp. Amazon Prime $1,299
Bluesound Node 2i Amazon Prime $549
Wharfedale Linton speakers with stand abot $1,500
Google audio technica, you might find something nice around $500-$1,000

Good luck