I was literally minutes from purchasing the Special 40's...

...when Shaun on YouTube brought out the MoFi LS3/5a's, I did some research, and now I'm torn. This midrange sound is what I've been seeking ever since I heard a pair of Proac SC1's back in the day. Would I get more of that midrange magic/reality from a LS3/5a ?... and if that's the right choice, should I spend the $3000 on a Gold Badge Falcon?
@ hailtothevictorz
If you want one of the best LS3/5a type of speaker I would spend the 3 grand on these! I’ve owned many LS3/5a type of speakers and IMO the Harbeth is the best of the lot!
Here is a TAS review on the Falcon!
Exactly which BBC LS3/5 variant is best?

Some say it's the Harbeth P3 ESR, whilst others, lifelong fans of the BBC LS3/5s never seem to mention the Harbeth's at all.

Harbeth once had a licence to build the LS3/5s themselves due to its founder Dudley Harwood being an ex BBC employee himself.

For some reason, there seems to be a resistance to arrange a shootout between all of the available variations. It should be easy enough but nothing like that has been done for a few decades now.

In any case if it was me, I'd go for one of those that had screwed-in back panels, as the originals did. I remember that was one finding back then.

You might get lucky on the used marketplace. I bought my Rogers LS3/5A's (11 ohms) from an eBay seller in Lithuania (!!!) for $960 + shipping. At that price how could I resist! They arrived safely intact!
I certainly wouldn't spend thousands for the Falcon's or other versions! Reality check: the Rogers version listed at $450/pair in 1976 - 78! I was tempted then to buy a pair!