High end Class D amps?

Just an observation and a question. Are there 'high end' Class D amps out there that are just as good as Class A, A/B amps? I realize that's a sensitive question to some and I mean no disrespect---but whenever I see others' hifi systems on social media, all of the amps are A or A/B. There's always Pass, McIntosh, Moon, Luxman, Accuphase, etc. Where are the Class Ds? For folks out there that want more power for less efficient speakers and can't afford the uber expensive Class As, A/Bs, what is there to choose from that's close to those brands? Thanks
Have old Red Dragon Leviathans driving Totem Mani 2's. Never an issue with them, solid, effortless and replaced big Classe's. Is there better, I'm sure. Would I spend the extra, nope.
I’ve heard a few Class D amps.  I still prefer the sound of a good tube amp or a pure Class A SS. But the inexpensive Crown XLS1502 class D amp sounded excellent in a friends system on his Martin Logan Monolith speakers.   So the cheap inexpensive Crown amp worked well in a very expensive system. I tried the D-Sonic 800 watt amp and thought it was a product I can easily recommend. But it did not sound better in my system than my pure Class A 200 watt Threshold mono blocks.  
I also have heard Merrill Audio Veritas amps and had dinner with Merrill a few years back.  Nice guy and good amps also. Check out Arion Audio, I think these are extremely good.  
This is not my experience. I have bought IcePower modules and sold amps using modified modules. I am now modding Purifi based amps. The only thing you lose when you modify is the warrantee from the manufacturer. Most audio companies don’t want to modify the modules.....instead rely on their own input stage or whatever to make themselves stand out from the crowd. The Mytek amps are modified Pascal modules.

Most people reading this have no idea how complicated and infinite audio is. They have not played inside a component and therefore tend to talk in generalizations. They have no idea that all Purifi based amps will sound different from each other.....all IcePower amps will sound different and all Pascal, etc. etc. Every single thing you do changes the sound. There will be a review soon on the VTV Purifi stereo amp with the tube buffer. The reviewer will be swapping different discrete op amp in the discrete IV converter stage and describing the sound differences. This is just the tip of the iceberg. What I do to the Purifi module makes it sound way better. What I do to the power supplies, the input stages, the wiring, the jacks, the input circuitry, damping, fuses, etc. etc. all improves the sound. Measurements tell you little about the sound of an amp. Most things that make for a lower distortion SOUND cannot be measured. All metal film resistors have a sound.....yet, they all measure the same. All brands of solder have a SOUND......also not measureable.....all wires, jacks, foorters,,etc. etc..into infinity.