High end Class D amps?

Just an observation and a question. Are there 'high end' Class D amps out there that are just as good as Class A, A/B amps? I realize that's a sensitive question to some and I mean no disrespect---but whenever I see others' hifi systems on social media, all of the amps are A or A/B. There's always Pass, McIntosh, Moon, Luxman, Accuphase, etc. Where are the Class Ds? For folks out there that want more power for less efficient speakers and can't afford the uber expensive Class As, A/Bs, what is there to choose from that's close to those brands? Thanks
The Starke Sound AD4.320 is as good  as the Purifi Audio modules and is a complete, ready to go out of the box amp, As good as anything (yes, anything!) out there. I just bought my second one. Check Google for reviews. On sale at Black Friday price right now.
Given my experience with my Rogue Sphinx v.2 driving .7 Magnepans, pairing a tube front end with their Hypex class D amps is a winning combination. The folks at PS Audio are taking the same route with their latest Stellar amps. I will allow that my little 15-watt Class A monoblocs sound sweet with high-efficiency speakers, but I won’t put up with the heat that a high-power Class A amp puts out if you need lots of juice to drive a lower-efficiency speaker. It seems to me it’s all about the total circuit and how complementary the different stages are. 
Class D Amp, the D means digital. It uses the digital way to emplify the signal, not sine wave anymore. It came out about 2 decades ago.I remember Janpanese brand Sharp had one.  But it represents  high efficiency but rough sound. These years, some high end product begans to show on the market.  I read from a HiFi magazine, the Lindemann from Germany and Jeff Rowland had already revealed a very high level stereo class D amp early 2020, but very expensive.