lowtubes: "So the cheap inexpensive Crown amp worked well in a very expensive system. I tried the D-Sonic 800 watt amp and thought it was a product I can easily recommend. But it did not sound better in my system than my pure Class A 200 watt Threshold mono blocks."
Hello lowtubes,
So, the D-Sonic 800 watt amp sounded good in your system but not as good as your pure class A 200 watt Threshold monoblocks. Well, that begs a few questions you can, hopefully, answer:
1. Was the D-Sonic 800 watt unit a stereo amp?
2. What are the approximate price differences between these amps?
3. What are the approximate size differences between these amps?
4. What are the approximate weight differences between these amps?
5. What are the approximate electrical consumption differences between these amps at idle and full power?
6. Which of the amps wastes the most electricity by converting it to heat and, therefore, operates at a higher average temperature?
7. Is the single advantage of marginally better sound from the Threshold amps worth the many disadvantages represented by the answers to the other questions listed above?