Thiel CS 3.6 vs 3.7

Replacing my model 3.6 speakers has come with a great deal of hesitation. I purchased them used from a dealer in 1993 after owning the model 2 2s. I have recently acquired a pair of 3.7s that are shipping as I write this. I understand that "beauty is in the ear of the beholder", but has anyone had both and had a preference? I ask because I do think collective wisdom is important and I do not want to be in the position of letting the "newer and improved" mentality creep into my judgment. What differences could I expect to hear? Context is Hegel Mohican to Audio Research Ref 3 to McCormack (SMc Audio) DNA 1 with almost all mods including Plitron transformer. Balanced throughout with AQ Columbia XLR and Kimber Monocle XL speaker cable. AQ Niagra 1000 conditioner and Shunyata Alpha HC power cables. Thanks in advance.
The problems I am having are somewhat fun since I am fixing them 1 by 1. If it did not cost money I would have no issue at all :). I am learning a lot by the things I am finding. I hope to have everything ready to go either next week or by the end of December. The health of the crossover will determine the timeframe.

I took measurements of the CS3.7 recently with the REW software (free) and a $100 Minidsp microphone. A great learning experience from that too.
Wow! That is a deep dive into the 3.7. I am not that technically competent and have to trust Rob's expertise and judgment. Happy to know that you are learning the details. I do not know if you have seen this or not, but I found it to be quite interesting. Best of luck!
What a fantastic video and so helpful to me. I have to solder the COAXs back into the speaker. I will likely also have to remove the crossover. This video showed me how the experts do it and I will copy them. I am not technically skilled in any of this but learning as I go along. I need to practice some soldering before I do the real thing.

BTW - I will post this on the big Thiel thread and put your name on it. All the Thiel folks are on that thread. You will see a A'gon notification when I do that.

it is Amazing what a good CD player can do regarding playback.

Happy Listening!