AT-ART9XI Cartridge - Reduced Compliance

Hi folks, I'm leaning toward the AT-ART9 cartridge for my SME V.  The new version - the ART9XI - has a thicker solid boron stylus (was .26mm, now .28mm) and slightly lower compliance (was 18, now 15 x10-6).

The newer version costs $300 more ($1,300 v. $1,000).  I'm inclined to buy the old one.  Any opinions?  (Please keep in mind I bought my SME V 30 years ago when it was $2k even.)  Thanks in advance!
Just installed an ART9XI and had owned the ART9 previously.
Running on a 9g arm with 64db and the sound is thoroughly enjoyable.  
Refinement, sound stage, transparency, dynamics and that treble !  
Sounds better than a $1900 LOMC from a highly respected manufacturer.  
Avanti, lots of praise on Audiogon for the XA.  The SME V is higher mass than your arm (10-11g) and, unless I swap out a couple resistors in my Classe Six, the gain would only be 57db.  As you mentioned back in August, the XI would probably work better with my arm, and I wouldn't have to mod the Classe.  The SME is due back in 3 weeks, so I have to pull the trigger soon.  The XA sounds so enticing I'm still in a quandary.
I have no doubt that the XI is nice but listening more today of the XA, I would not want any more bass or warmth.   I suspect the XI has more of this. 
Everything sounds great on this cart. 

Is it that big of a deal to mod the class to see 64db?    
It's an easy swap of two resistors on an old school board.  The manual has a detailed list of resistors for fine tuning the output in 2db increments, so I could choose +63, +65, +67, etc (up to +75!).  Pretty dang thoughtful of Classe.

Truthfully I'm more concerned about the SME's mass, which is technically in moderate territory, but just barely.  The XA wants a low mass arm.  Your arm is 9g, mine is 10g with the lightest hardware.  Maybe I'm over-thinking it.