are 4000$ /pr speakers today better than $4000/pr speakers from mid to late 1990's?

or 5k or 2k or 10k??
back then i was in love with:
thiel cs3.6,, cs 2 2s, 7s and even owned a pair of 1.6swilson audio tiny tots and watt puppiesapogee grandsb&w matrix 802's and 801'sb&w silver signatures - but for some things not everything
so lets say you could get 801's for $5500/pr back then, is a $5000/pr b&w today as good as the 801's then?
ps - i do know that now my ears are probably not as good as they were when i was younger.

Metal dome tweeters seem to sound less harsh but no less precise in current speakers than what I remember from speakers in the 90s.
@gdnrbob — I’m just going by what I hear.  I never liked the metal dome tweets and yellow Kevlar drivers used by B&W in the 90’s and beyond, and I find the Diamond tweeters and Continuum drivers to sound much cleaner and better as implemented in the current D3 models.  I’m not really a B&W fan, but I could live with the current 804 D3 and could definitely not say the same of the earlier 804N models.  Likewise, and as per the OP’s original question, I’d absolutely take a pair of 805 D3s over a 90’s era 803N.  That’s kinda where I was coming from FWIW, but to each his own.  
Old speakers would have gone through some extent of deterioration such as foam surrounds or internal, capacitors in the crossover etc. Personally I wouldn't consider speakers that are more than 20 years old.
My kef r105/3 circa 1990 listed for $3500.  Played flat 50-15k 3” Thick front baffle, 93 dB eff, excellent dispursion and went LOUD. Detail, soundstage and imaging still benchmark. I would have to spend 4 times as much for the same product today and the only difference would be automotive finish instead of walnut.