What are your experiences with upgrading power cords on KEF LS50 wireless?

Hello ,
I’ll soon be investing in a pair of the new KEF LS50 wireless II speakers and I’m curious what experiences people have had regarding upgrading the power cables on the original wireless model or the new ones.  I haven’t had much luck finding info on this topic looking through past posts (maybe one thread three years ago) so I’m curious what owners may be able to share on this subject now.  I appreciate any information you care to share. Thanks.
I think so as well. They went into a storage unit with my ARC and Martin-Logan gear when I moved out of my Manhattan apartment and I didn’t feel like going to dig them out.
arafiq, I appreciate the feedback. Thank you. 
rodman99999, thank you again and I will certainly PM if I decide to entertain your gracious offer. 
docknow, thank you very much for the lengthy write up on your experience. I greatly appreciate everyone’s input but it certainly helps that extra little bit when owners of the LS50 wireless, like you and arafiq for instance, can discuss trying a particular pair of power cables and the subsequent changes they made to the overall sound. Also, I’m with tvad on wanting to know what differences you hear with the AQ and Shunyata cables. No one here will be disappointed if you get bored one day and decide to harvest them out of storage. Hahaha. Thanks again for your feedback on this and perhaps we will have a few more owners chime in as well. Take care. 
I upgraded to Audioquest and it made zero difference. Only benefit is aesthetics.  Otherwise, expensive power cables are a gimmick, don’t waste your money.  
helloitsben, I appreciate the feedback. Did you try the Audioquest cables with the LS50 wireless speakers or are you speaking in general terms based on your experiences with other gear?