REL R-328... Anybody Heard One?

not much out there on the new R series REL subs... if you've heard one, i'd love to hear your impressions.
I auditioned the REL 328 and a set of B&W 805D today. Bought them both! I am a new to the active sub-base system technology so I won't speak out of turn here. I am comfortable saying that I was impressed with the speed and musical performance. The LFE was not connected and that was not my interest. I was largely focused on Stereo performance and comparison to the 804D. I felt the 805D and the R-328 offered greater performance and versatility than the 804D alone.
I auditioned a R328 and liked it so much, I took
it back and ordered a R528. Could have
lived forever with the R328, but I made
the plunge. Should have it Monday
I hope!
That's funny you should say that. I to am thinking the same thing. I can get the R-528 for $400.00 more. The Rel made my system come to life.
I just purchased a new REL R528 to pair with my B&W 805Ds and am very impressed. It really ads a lot to the spaciousness and overall dynamics. Especially on larger scale pieces (of course).

Question for other owners: After the installation of a sub system, did you find it best to reposition your main speakers?