you do realize that the audio research ref 6 linestage uses its single 6550 tube as a voltage regulator in the power supply section, feeding the 4x 6h30p controlled gain section, right? this has been the case since the ref 2a model... where the power supply/regulation circuit incorporated a single 6550
as such, you do not/will not ’hear’ the 6550 in that unit as it does not directly participate in the amplification circuit of the audio signal... unlike 99% of other amps using that tube as the power tube pushing/pulling the actual musical signal...
given this, i suggest you simply follow arc’s factory guidance on what 6550 tube to use... longevity and adherence to performance spec as designed is more important than any perceived sound quality difference -- or email greg christensen at arc service/support and ask him what they recommend as an upgraded 6550 for your ref 6 (they may say there is none)