Experiment question about sound treatment project

I'm considering making a few sound absorbing panels for my space.

To avoid the trouble of making the panels and finding out they don't help, could I simply hang pieces of the inner absorbent material to test out possible pact? If they work, I'll finish them, if not, labor saved.

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The best way to learn is by doing. Frankly it is the only way. Because even when you buy something, and even if you pay a consultant to design and build, still you really only learn once its done and you have something to listen to. Everything up until then is talk. Blather.

It costs like ten bucks to buy one panel of OC703 from a hardware store. Cut in half with any reasonably sharp utensil you now have two acoustic panels each one light as a feather and yet totally effective for testing purposes.

Be interesting some time to take a poll find out who has actually done and knows and who is all talk. But that would sting more than a few. Heck they are triggered at the mere thought of it. What you do though, take your small 2x1.5ft panel, hold it up to the wall. Don’t even stick it on the wall just hold it there at arms length. Talk. Listen. Hear the profound difference with and without the panel. And I do mean profound.

That one little sheet, those two little panels, more than enough to treat something like say first reflection. So try them there next and see what you hear. Total cost time and labor and cash: $10/1hr. Total DIY construction skills required: cut one straight line with a knife. 

This is not even to say cover that panel and call it good. Its called an experiment. A try and see. If it works great, great. Cut it down. See how small a panel you can get away with. Even if you do decide to order expensive GIK at least you now know how small it can be, and have a benchmark against which to compare performance.

Again, be real interesting to take a poll, find out who knows, and who only talks like they know. On that score, in case you don’t know, all you have to do is click on a posters name to get a link to their system page. A lot of them are blank. We even had one guy here never did have a system. All hat. No cattle. Gone now. Good riddance. One down....

By the way, as far as frames go- and skill- not even necessary. Mine are nothing more than OC703 cut and wrapped in fabric. The fabric is simply wrapped around and held together on the back with pins. Same way women pinned fabric before sewing, back in the days when even women knew how to make stuff. Mine are stapled to the wall. Easy, fast, and cheap. KISS!
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"To avoid the trouble of making the panels and finding out they don't help, could I simply hang pieces of the inner absorbent material to test out possible pact?"

Sounds like a good plan. I did the same thing except I didn't have any panels so I used folded beach towels to determine what was needed and then ordered the panels.