The cost of LP's and CD's - an observation

Back just before CD's, Albums were usually around $6-8.00, cutout less, double albums a bit more. When CD's first came out they were 'premium' items and cost $10-15.00, slowly the prices for CD's came down and records slowly all went down to a buck or two then disappeared. Now it's reversed, CD's are a few bucks, new Albums are usually around $15 to 25.00. (I didn't figure out the inflation rate, someone else can add that in) . And those cutouts can now be worth a small fortune. I just thought this reversal was interesting. Of course with Streaming, music of any quality is very cheap.

No, you think it sounds better to you. That is completely meaningless to other people.
If he thinks it sounds better to him, then it does sound better to him. No one here should have to justify or alter his preferences to suit the sensibilities of measurementalists such as yourself. And his preference has at least the same value to others here as yours, and perhaps much, much more.
"But digital rules, no question."
For you. Not for everyone.

"The Earth is round."
For you. Not for everyone.

Which is more asinine? Discuss among yourselves, digiphiles.

I find nothing nostalgic about something I never had or heard before, and that’s high end analog.

Right, impossible to be nostalgic about something you never experienced. A dazzling display of logic. Unbelievable, even.

Comparing an ordinary record player to "high end analog" is like comparing a hot dog to porterhouse steak.
"Comparing an ordinary record player to "high end analog" is like comparing a hot dog to porterhouse steak".

Very true; and young hipsters buying low fi turntables to get with the trend should be made to realize this before they jump in.