Another one you may like, the EAR 834P which if you really do want warm and woody can’t imagine how you do better than a vintage (mid-90’s) EAR.I seem to be getting forgetful in my old age, maybe someone will remind me- exactly when in the mid-90's was 2015??
There's a reason by the way for specifying mid-90's. That was the year I heard. No idea what subsequent years sounded like. Just so as to not leave that one in doubt millercarbon also wrote, in the same post no less:
Don’t know about the newer ones, but the ones back around 1995 were warm as a goose down blanket.I'm a little foggy. Seems to me 2015 was a good 20 years later?
Long time readers will know my disdain verging on disgust for the truly appalling lack of reading comprehension. Which sometimes is so bad- one time I said THREE TIMES "not saying these speakers are perfect" only to be told again and again each time by the same inept reader that I said they were perfect. So either its third grade (if that) reading level, severe mental (oh wait we're not supposed to use the R-word) underdevelopment, or plain old stubborn disregard for the facts.
Any way you slice it, what point can there possibly be in trying to converse with such a one? All we have are words, which they have a proven inability to comprehend. Also if you do try and buck the odds and converse what is going to happen other than one misunderstanding after another? Like Forrest Gump, minus the charm. Simple Jack. Good for a gag in Tropic Thunder, but come on, man!
But if on the other hand you explain what is going on and why- you are being ignored because you are insulting and have nothing to contribute (the "and" is deliberate) well then isn't that the most merciful thing possible all around? This way if Simple Jack keeps going, well, there's that lack of reading comprehension again. Not like he wasn't told. Just didn't understand. Again.