Liquid CD treatments?

I can almost listen to cd's w/o wishing I had a clean vinyl copy playing. Still fighting some glare or edge off and on especially female vocals. Do any of the liquid treatments actually help or is it more you know what?
Thanks, Ed
I know that there will be many differing opinions on this, but I have used Auric Illuminator since it first came out and have had good luck with it. It has not damaged the CD's and it seemed to open up the sound and improve the dynamics.
Heard good things about Shine-Ola:
What is your setup?
Many systems with digital front ends sound as good or better than high end analog these days, but there are many factors that contribute to the overall sound. Every little thing seems to matter.

As for CD treaments, Shine Ola is highly regarded as actually reducing read errors and enancing sound.
Having tried a few of these treatments it is safe to say they are definitely for real.
I also use the Marigo Lab 3-D Signature CD mat routinely, although a cheaper way is to use Herbie's Grungebuster CD mat(s), to give you confidence in the ability of a tweak to instantly upgrade the listening experience.
Newer versions of liquid CD treatments are released even before one can use up container contents of an earlier version. One of the classic liquids in this category is the new and improved Auric Illuminator, and there is no question that it enhances the CD experience. You can initially try one "well reviewed" product, but don't expect unanimity from our diverse Audiogon membership on which is the only one to try first.
Thanks for the responses. My system is Musical Fidelity 3.2 cd player, MF 3.2 integrated, Paradigm studio 100's, VPI Jr. with grado cartridge, and Nordost Red Dawn ic's ,Blu Heaven biwire.