@thieliste, re: your 11/24/2020 post:
Thiel Owners | Audiogon Discussion Forum
IMHO, what improvements the Thiel CS 3.6’s had over the Thiel CS 3.5’s amounted to 2 steps forward / 3 steps back. Where as the flat co-axial drivers in the CS 3.7’s were a major(!) improvement forward. Still when all (!) is considered; I think Thiel’s CS 3.5’s were Thiel’s best product. When I say all, I’m including ROI or more plainly value. Lets compare:
Thiel CS 3.5’s last sold for $2850 up until 1992
Thiel CS3.5 loudspeaker Specifications | Stereophile.com
Thiel CS 3.7’s first sold for $11,000 in 2006
Thiel CS3.7 loudspeaker Specifications | Stereophile.com
Considering inflation between 1992 and 2006 would make the
Thiel CS 3.5’s cost in 2006 = $ 4,067.03
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Now, if one wanted to retrieve all the musical information available on one’s recordings, unlike the Thiel CS 3.5’s the Thiel 3.7’s would need to be supplemented with subwoofers. Let’s use a pair of Thiel’s own bottom of the line Thiel SS1’s, original 2003 cost of $2800 each adjusted for inflation in 2006 = $3046.10
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Thiel SS1’s X 2 = $6092.20
That alone costs more than the 2006 inflationary cost of the Thiel CS 3.5’s
When added to the original cost of the Thiel 3.7’s:
Thiel CS 3.7’s: $11,000
Thiel SS! X 2 : $6,092.20
Total: $ 17,092.20
Or more than $13,025.17 than the 2006 inflationary cost of the Thiel CS 3.5’s
And that doesn’t include the cost of amplification:
Jim Thiel mostly used the Threshold S 500 amplifier for the Thiel CS 3.5’s. Lets use the last version sold; the Threshold S550e which sold in 1989 for $6300 adjusted for 2006 inflation for a cost of $10,289.13
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Jim Thiel mostly used the Krell FPB - 600 amplifier for the Thiel CS 3.7’s. Lets
use the Krell FPB - 600 C which sold in 2000 for $13,500
adjusted for 2006 inflation for a cost of $15,867.10
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Which would be an additional $5,555.97 in amplification cost,
which when added to the extra costs of the CS 3.7’s with 2 Thiel SS1’s over the 2006 inflation adjusted Thiel CS 3.5’s = $18,603.14
Thiel CS 3.7’s = $11,000
Thiel CS SS1 X 2 =$ 6,092.20
Krell FPB-600C =$15,867.10
Total $32,959.30
Thiel CS 3.5’s =$ 4,067.03 -
Threshold S550e =$10,289.13
Now the Thiel CS 3.7’s combination will outperform the
Thiel CS 3.5 combination in most every way; ease of placement, freedom
from lobing, ultimate loudness, (and with the subs especially
in the bass region), and much, much more,... except time and
phase coherence, and foot print where the Theil CS 3.5’s despite their 20 year age disadvantage still have the edge. Still, the CS 3.5’s wouldn’t be too embarrassed by the comparison. If one wanted to do something similar with the current state of used prices, I think the advantage would be probably proportionately even greater for the Thiel CS 3.5’s.
Considering everything; I think the CS 3.5’s were Thiel’s best product.
Thiel Owners | Audiogon Discussion Forum
IMHO, what improvements the Thiel CS 3.6’s had over the Thiel CS 3.5’s amounted to 2 steps forward / 3 steps back. Where as the flat co-axial drivers in the CS 3.7’s were a major(!) improvement forward. Still when all (!) is considered; I think Thiel’s CS 3.5’s were Thiel’s best product. When I say all, I’m including ROI or more plainly value. Lets compare:
Thiel CS 3.5’s last sold for $2850 up until 1992
Thiel CS3.5 loudspeaker Specifications | Stereophile.com
Thiel CS 3.7’s first sold for $11,000 in 2006
Thiel CS3.7 loudspeaker Specifications | Stereophile.com
Considering inflation between 1992 and 2006 would make the
Thiel CS 3.5’s cost in 2006 = $ 4,067.03
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Now, if one wanted to retrieve all the musical information available on one’s recordings, unlike the Thiel CS 3.5’s the Thiel 3.7’s would need to be supplemented with subwoofers. Let’s use a pair of Thiel’s own bottom of the line Thiel SS1’s, original 2003 cost of $2800 each adjusted for inflation in 2006 = $3046.10
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Thiel SS1’s X 2 = $6092.20
That alone costs more than the 2006 inflationary cost of the Thiel CS 3.5’s
When added to the original cost of the Thiel 3.7’s:
Thiel CS 3.7’s: $11,000
Thiel SS! X 2 : $6,092.20
Total: $ 17,092.20
Or more than $13,025.17 than the 2006 inflationary cost of the Thiel CS 3.5’s
And that doesn’t include the cost of amplification:
Jim Thiel mostly used the Threshold S 500 amplifier for the Thiel CS 3.5’s. Lets use the last version sold; the Threshold S550e which sold in 1989 for $6300 adjusted for 2006 inflation for a cost of $10,289.13
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Jim Thiel mostly used the Krell FPB - 600 amplifier for the Thiel CS 3.7’s. Lets
use the Krell FPB - 600 C which sold in 2000 for $13,500
adjusted for 2006 inflation for a cost of $15,867.10
USD Inflation Calculator - US Dollar (1956-2020) (inflationtool.com)
Which would be an additional $5,555.97 in amplification cost,
which when added to the extra costs of the CS 3.7’s with 2 Thiel SS1’s over the 2006 inflation adjusted Thiel CS 3.5’s = $18,603.14
Thiel CS 3.7’s = $11,000
Thiel CS SS1 X 2 =$ 6,092.20
Krell FPB-600C =$15,867.10
Total $32,959.30
Thiel CS 3.5’s =$ 4,067.03 -
Threshold S550e =$10,289.13
Now the Thiel CS 3.7’s combination will outperform the
Thiel CS 3.5 combination in most every way; ease of placement, freedom
from lobing, ultimate loudness, (and with the subs especially
in the bass region), and much, much more,... except time and
phase coherence, and foot print where the Theil CS 3.5’s despite their 20 year age disadvantage still have the edge. Still, the CS 3.5’s wouldn’t be too embarrassed by the comparison. If one wanted to do something similar with the current state of used prices, I think the advantage would be probably proportionately even greater for the Thiel CS 3.5’s.
Considering everything; I think the CS 3.5’s were Thiel’s best product.